
核兵器禁止条約 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons  New York, 7 July 2017

Not yet in force in accordance with article 15(1) this Treaty shall enter into force 90 days after the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession has been deposited.
Status Signatories : 58. Parties : 8
Text Certified true copy
CN.475.2017.TREATIES-XXVI-9 of 9 August 2017 (Opening for signature) and CN.476.2017.TREATIES-XXVI-9 of 9 August 2017 (Issuance of Certified True Copies).
Note The Treaty was adopted on 7 July 2017 by the United Nations conference to negotiate a legally  binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination, held in New York from 27 to 31 March and 15 June to 7 July 2017. In accordance with its article 13, the Treaty shall be open for signature to all States at United Nations Headquarters in New York as from 20 September 2017.


Mindful of the unacceptable suffering of and harm caused to the victims of the use of nuclear weapons (hibakusha), as well as of those affected by the testing of nuclear weapons,

Stressing the role of public conscience in the furthering of the principles of humanity as evidenced by the call for the total elimination of nuclear weapons, and recognizing the efforts to that end undertaken by the United Nations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, other international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious leaders, parliamentarians, academics and the hibakusha,
