『HIROSHIMA』(発行所:Hiroshima Publishing Company<観音町613>、1949)


Hiroshima’s role in Japan Paintings Hatsusaburo Yoshida
Hiroshima its former Military role Paintings Hatsusaburo Yoshida
Emplosion of the atomic bomb Paintings Hatsusaburo Yoshida
Hiroshima  that evening Paintings Hatsusaburo Yoshida
Love in the Ruins Tomikazu Matsui
Effects of the atomic bomb
1.Scientific phenomena of the  atomic bomb T.Fujiwara, D.SC.  Professor of Hiroshima University
1 国泰寺大樹
3 元安橋
4 御幸橋
5 萬代橋
6 ガスタンクに遺された影
7 墓石
8 国泰寺石塔
2.Medical aspects of the atomic bomb K.Takeuchi,M.D. Former;Director Hiroshima red cross hospital
Atomic Bomb Casualty Comission Medical Research  Program <未完>
 American contributions to the people of Hiroshima
 Hitoshima today
 History of Hiroshima
 Looking at old  Hiroshima
 Present impressions and future outlook
 Hiroshima speaks
 Visitors to Hiroshima
 Commanding officers of the Hiroshima M.G. team and city planning advisor
 Map of urban Hiroshima
 Table of contents
Paintings  Hatsusaburo Yoshida
 Hiroshima  Masanori Nagao
 Love in the Ruins  Tomikazu Matsui
 Photographic Section  Etsuji Kato
 Hiroshima Speaks
 Four Outstandings News
Map of Hiroshima   Fujito Haitani